Monday, June 08, 2009

It’s Haircut Time!

In case you were not aware, our family has a tradition every Memorial Day weekend. The boys in the family, 1yr and older all get their heads shaved. Not guard. This year, Dad was gone for Memorial Day weekend so we postponed our tradition till when Dad had returned from AIT.

June 8 065To our surprise, Dad wanted to be the one to do the hair cutting. So we started with Blake.

June 8 067Dad had a great time with this. As you can tell he required funky pictures taken during the process. No worries though, Blake had his cut completed and does not look like he belongs in Whoville on Christmas Eve.

Blake June 8 2009 001

Bradly, on the other hand, got to have a more creative hair style.

June 8 068 June 8 072

Don’t worry Mom, I will be shaving him in a couple of days. We just thought he looked so cute all punked up.

1 comment:

Mom's Place said...

LOL!!! Love the Mohawk!