Saturday, March 28, 2009

Getting Older and Cuter

27 March 2009 051 Dakota has been growing like a weed. He is 4 months old and look at him holding up is head and pushing himself up off the ground to play. He is just so cute and loves to give us smiles. He celebrated turning 4 months old by catching an awful cough. RSV to be exact but it wasn’t severe enough to land us in the hospital, just the emergency room for 6 hours while they did test to confirm the illness. The cough is still lingering but he is doing better every day. Nothing stops him from giving us his cute little smiles.27 March 2009 047

BLIZZARD of 2009

27 March 2009 062After living in Colorado Springs for 3 years we feel like we have a grip on the weather norms for this area. March started this year beautiful. I had to keep reminding myself that it was too early in Colorado to start my tomato’s from seed as we have yet to get our annual spring snowstorm. Well, on the afternoon of March 26 our snow storm came in the form of a Blizzard. (FYI, a blizzard doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a lot of snow just that you have times of white out and lots of wind.) As you can see, you can still see some of our grass, but take a look at these snow drifts. I don’t think I have seen them this creative ever.  

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