Sunday, May 03, 2009

Bradly’s Little Twist

April 26 013 April 26 012

Bradly’s hair has been getting long. Dad says he likes his hair long. I tend to agree (though it will still get shaved for our Memorial Day weekend tradition) except he has developed a rather funny and disturbing habit. He walks around twisting the back of his hair. When I ask him what he is doing he says, “Bradly’s pretty”. (He likes to refer to himself in the 3rd person, btw.) This is the mild result. Often times I find him with a tight little twisted bun in the back of his hair. That boy is always good for a smile.

Bradly’s Picture

April 26 005

Bradly has been craving the attention lately. Every time I pull out the camera he come running to me saying, “Bradly’s picture”, and does a pose. Here is one of his cuter ones.

Easter In Colorado Springs 2009

So we had a wonderful Easter here in Colorado. We woke up to a little snow and by the end of the day it was raining with a bit of sunshine. But I managed to get a beautiful picture of our front tree on this lovely “Spring” morning.April 26 011

Deanna’s Birthday

Deanna turned 10 years old on the 16th. For her party she got to have 4 friends come over for a sleepover. They watched movies and had makeovers. They really had a great time. Here are some of the results of the makeover.

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